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  • The Breton Shortbread Cookies are made following a timeless and inimitable recipe that requires quality concentrated butter. Handcrafted from start to finish by the nuns of the Abbaye la joie Notre Dame in Brittany, these cookies are mixed, baked, and packaged by hand, earning them the reputation of a regional Breton specialty and the Monastic label. Monastic care about the provenance of the food ingredients and the product’s uniqueness, so we can rest assured the quality of the cookies.


    The buttery flavour of these shortbread cookies is the result of the fresh and carefully chosen ingredients, with no preservatives added! It is best to be served with a small cup of coffee, or even a sweet and delicious fruit yogurt for dessert.


    Here you can read more about these Breton Shortbread Cookies.

    Abbaye la joie Notre Dame - Breton Shortbread Cookies

    • 200g


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