Because of some paperwork, I had to go to CPAM (the national health insurance administration in France) recently. There I was, lining up; I overheard a woman and the security talking. Technically speaking, it’s more like the security was talking to her, as she didn’t know French.
The conversation was that he would not allow her to enter because she didn’t speak French. Standing in there, she hadn’t a clue as to why she couldn’t get in. How could she? She seemed she could use a bit of help, so I walked to the security and told him that I could be her translator. To be honest, the security wasn’t exactly friendly to her, so I was expecting the same treatment. To my surprise, he wasn’t. He was super nice and got me a bit lost there. At first, I didn’t understand, but now I do. I was speaking French! Yep, that’s the only reason I could think of, but it wasn’t the only surprise I had.
As I agreed to help her, we entered the building. Waiting, she told me she has been in France for two years and every now and then, she needs to go to CPAM. But this was the first time that she could not enter because of her French proficiency (how she communicated with the staff before is a mystery to me). Anyway, long story short, I helped her with her stuff and turned to mine. I asked the security again where I should hand in my documents. He looked at my papers and told me I shouldn’t be there. THAT’S THE BIGGEST SURPRISE!! Turned out that specific building is for those without any papers (meaning those who are staying in France illegally). Then, he gave me a map to the right location. He was also nice enough to tell me that this CPAM could transfer my documents to the right one. So this whole process got me thinking, clearly many were like me, misjudging it as the right place to handle their cases.
Credit where credits due mean. He could have just sent me away and I would have wasted my time needing to go to another CPAM. He was being helpful, and that’s what I want to tell you. There are two Frances – one is the French speaking world, the other is the non-French speaking one. Sometimes, you get away without needing to know the language. But most of the time, it’s better to know it than not. After all, it is respectful to learn the local language if one plans to live there for a long time.
P.s. there is another France that is very caring, and has something to do with the Teddy Bears!